32 Petco Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Petco interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 15 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

1. How do you like to be recognized for your accomplishments?

How to Answer

Your potential future managers at Petco will be focused on nurturing a positive work environment and strong team, so they'll be sure to offer you feedback on your work as well as recognition of your accomplishments. Share with the interviewer how you would want credit for your hard work. Through gifts? Financial perks? Public recognition? Kind words? Title promotions? You can include examples of how managers or team leaders have recognized your accomplishments in the past.

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

1st Answer Example

"I am very much an over-achiever and find that the best way for me to be recognized for a job well done is through words of kindness and recognition. I am easily encouraged, and the best reward for me is to know that my hard work is noticed."

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

2nd Answer Example

"As a sales professional, I am driven by a challenge with a financial perk. Sales contests, for example, are a great way to motivate me."

Written by Jordan Henry

2. How do you handle situations that could cause you to be late or miss work?

How to Answer

When you're a member of the Petco team, promptness is important -- your coworkers are relying on you to be on time and ready to start work. It's always better to be a few minutes early for a shift so you can be ready to pick up where another team-member left off as their shift ends. Make sure your interviewer knows that you are proactive and that you can handle the stress of unexpected situations.

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

1st Answer Example

"I hate being late and always do everything I can to avoid it -- if I'm not five minutes early, I feel like I'm already late! Cincinnati winters can make travel hard, so I always make sure to give myself extra time when there's snow or ice."

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

2nd Answer Example

"I hope never to be late! When I started working at a restaurant at sixteen years old, we were taught the adage of 'if you're on time, you're late,' so I've worked to implement that into my life. I always try to arrive 15 minutes early, but sometimes unforeseen circumstances can arise. When being late is unavoidable, I immediately call the store to let my manager know I'm on my way and apologize for inconveniencing the team."

Written by Jordan Henry

3. Do you have reliable transportation?

How to Answer

If you are offered a position at Petco, they want to know that you'll be able to make it to work consistently and on time. Let the interviewer know about your transportation plans, whether you intend to drive, walk, take the bus, or ride your bike.

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

1st Answer Example

"I have a well-maintained vehicle, and I am comfortable with the amount of travel required to get to the store every day."

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

2nd Answer Example

"I take public transit and find it to be very reliable. I was late to work only once last year, and that was due to a snowstorm that stalled all of the employees' commutes -- including those with personal vehicles. Rest assured, I am reliable and will always come to work on time."

Written by Jordan Henry

4. What do you hope to learn from this job at Petco?

How to Answer

Employees at Petco have the opportunity to learn a wide variety of skills, including communication, multitasking, and teamwork, among other things. Share what you hope to get out of your experience at Petco. Review the job description and information about related careers to help you get a better idea of what you have to look forward to. Discuss how this position will help you in your career.

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

1st Answer Example

"I am looking to lay the foundation for the rest of my career with this position. I hope to increase my already strong skills in sales as well as learn more about running a store -- someday, I would love to become a store manager or open my own small retail business."

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

2nd Answer Example

"I hope to gain stronger skills in communication and customer service. I understand that retail can be challenging because of the multiple personalities you are faced with on a daily basis. I believe this will help my confidence to grow and my sales skills as well."

Written by Jordan Henry

5. How do you feel about performance incentives?

How to Answer

Performance incentives can be very motivating, and you may have opportunities to earn such incentives as an employee at Petco. Talk to the interviewer about your feelings regarding performance incentives.

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

1st Answer Example

"I think performance incentives are a great idea -- they keep me motivated to do a great job, and I like knowing that I'm a part of ensuring that our team is on top of our KPIs. I'm extremely motivated by being rewarded for my successes as an individual and as a team."

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

2nd Answer Example

"I've never worked in a position that offers performance incentives, and I've never had trouble staying motivated. However, small perks are always nice to have!"

Written by Jordan Henry

6. What are your salary expectations?

How to Answer

Do some research to determine what pay you may be able to expect from a position at Petco, and use your current earnings to talk about your expectations. Be open and honest. Transparency is the best choice when salary based questions arise.

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

1st Answer Example

"I currently make 15 per hour and generally work between 25 and 35 hours per week. I'm hoping to stay in the same range or slightly higher."

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

2nd Answer Example

"I currently make minimum wage and am happy to begin a position at Petco in that same range. I'm hopeful that my hard work and dedication to the team will earn me a promotion or pay increase after some time. Does Petco have any merit-based bonuses or pay-scale increases?"

Written by Jordan Henry

7. How can Petco motivate you on the job?

How to Answer

The management team at Petco wants to know how best to motivate every member of their team. Talk to the interviewer about the variety of ways in which you find motivation on the job.

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

1st Answer Example

"I am best motivated through words of praise and recognition for a job well done. I do like to know that my efforts are noticed. In my current position, we have a leader board -- I like that concept because it creates a healthy bit of personal competition for me as well."

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

2nd Answer Example

"I am very much self-driven and self-motivated. As long as I am being treated with respect and feel appreciated, you will get the best work from me."

Written by Jordan Henry

8. Describe to me your ideal employer.

How to Answer

A job search isn't just a one-sided hunt. You must also feel as though a job at Petco is a good fit for yourself. Tell the interviewer about your ideal employer. Be specific and be sure to keep the conversation positive. Avoid speaking poorly of any previous managers or organizations.

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

1st Answer Example

"My ideal employer is one who brings charisma and passion to their work. I work best with organizations that encourage learning and promote their employees based on performance."

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

2nd Answer Example

"My ideal employer is reliable, has a good reputation, and treats me like a unique individual versus just a number."

Written by Jordan Henry

9. We need reliable people on our team at Petco. How many days were you absent from work last year?

How to Answer

Being a member of a team means being reliable and consistent, and working at Petco is no exception. Make sure the interviewer knows that you respect your coworkers and managers enough to always show up for your assigned shifts. Of course, emergencies and illnesses happen from time to time; you can be honest about a time you had had to miss a shift. Be sure to mention that you followed all of the protocols for calling off of work.

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

1st Answer Example

"I know that my coworkers and managers rely on every team-member to show up for their shifts on time and prepared to work -- if one person doesn't show up for their shift, that means everyone else has to work harder! I've never skipped work without a good reason, and I always make sure to call in with plenty of advance notice so that my managers and coworkers are prepared to cover the shift. I've never had an unexcused absence from work."

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

2nd Answer Example

"Luckily, I only had to call into work twice at my last job -- I had a terrible case of the flu last year and couldn't make it into work for two shifts in one week. As soon as I got home from the doctor, I followed store protocol by emailing my coworkers and asking if anyone could cover my shift. I was able to get one shift covered, but no one was available to cover the other. I immediately got in touch with my manager and let her know the situation. I made sure to get a doctor's note that I brought in with me during my next shift."

Written by Jordan Henry

10. What type of work environment do you dislike working in?

How to Answer

Your interview isn't just about if you're right for Petco -- it's also about making sure that a job for Petco is right for you. Describe your experience in different work environments and how you adapted to different atmospheres. Are you pretty flexible in your ability to work in most environments? Have you experienced a position where the atmosphere wasn't conducive to your productivity? Make sure you're familiar with the environment at Petco.

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

Answer Example

"I can be productive in most work environments, so long as the mentality is positive and teamwork is encouraged. I cannot work in an environment that feels negative or toxic."

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

11. Personality fit is important to us at Petco. How would you describe your personality?

How to Answer

When you work at Petco, you are one part of a larger team -- and that team is vital to the success of the entire store and the company at large. Your personality will play a part in whether the interviewer believes you would be a good fit for the team. Talk to the interviewer about your personality traits -- such as introverted, energetic, or confident -- as opposed to your character traits -- such as honest, hard-working, or reliable.

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

1st Answer Example

"I would describe my personality as approachable, light-hearted, and positive. I believe that, if asked, my colleagues and supervisor would say the same about me."

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

2nd Answer Example

"I am confident communicator, and I'm very friendly! I love engaging new people in conversation. My last boss always described me as a go-getter; I enjoy challenges and pushing myself to achieve new goals."

Written by Jordan Henry

12. How do you handle a situation where your supervisor does not properly communicate information to you?

How to Answer

Retail organizations like Petco are fast-paced; though supervisors have the best intentions, some information may fall through the cracks, or your managers may not always communicate with you in a way that you prefer. Describe your communication preferences and tell the interviewer how you handled a supervisor who communicated with you in a way that didn't match those preferences.

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

1st Answer Example

"Whenever I have had a supervisor who does not properly communicate with me, I try to learn their style of communication and emulate it. Sometimes you have to relate to others in their style to be understood."

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

2nd Answer Example

"I have had great supervisors in my previous positions; however, if faced with a communication challenge like this, I would ask the supervisor how I could improve communication between us. Rather than placing blame, I believe it's always more effective to ask for growth recommendations."

Written by Jordan Henry

13. What type of manager brings out the best in you?

How to Answer

Managers at Petco work hard to ensure a healthy team, which starts with supporting individual workers. Show the interviewer that you are self-aware and understand the type of manager or employer that brings out the best in you, whether that's a close working relationship with plenty of accountability or a more hands-off approach where you have more autonomy. If you're not sure about your preference, try to make your answer as open as possible.

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

1st Answer Example

"I have worked with a wide range of personalities and management styles with great success. If I could express a preference, I feel that I am best with a manager who allows me autonomy while still investing time in me through mentorship and training. Can you describe the management style here?"

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

2nd Answer Example

"In the past, I have worked best with managers who are strong mentors but also offer autonomy when it comes to the tasks they know I am well versed in."

Written by Jordan Henry

14. Why is this job with Petco right for you at this time in your career?

How to Answer

A position at Petco will provide you with plenty of benefits in the present while also allowing for opportunities to move up in the company in the company in the future. Discuss with the interviewer why you are looking to make a change, and how a position at Petco fits well with the changes that you want to make. Be thoughtful and draw upon the research you have done on the company.

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

1st Answer Example

"I have been interested in seeking a new position for quite some time and haven't jumped on anything yet because I want to make sure it's the right fit. I feel that this job is right for me, especially at this point in my career, because it offers an opportunity for me to utilize my recent education in Communications while giving me an opportunity to advance in my management skills."

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

2nd Answer Example

"This job will fit perfectly with my school schedule. I hope once I complete my education that I can be given full-time hours for the summer. I am excited to work for Petco because of the flexibility you offer students, as well as the potential for future advancement in the company."

Written by Jordan Henry

15. What is the most competitive work situation you have experienced? How did you handle it? What was the result?

How to Answer

Retail environments like Petco may offer opportunities for friendly competition with your coworkers and other stores in your district and region. Tell the interviewer about your experience in competitive environments, whether that means racing others to achieve the highest sales, working towards a promotion, or eagerly trying to win a new contract. Show the interviewer that you rose to the challenge and that you were excited to push yourself to be the best. It is a definite plus if you have cheered on your competitors and helped them along the way. Be sure to mention any successful outcome.

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

1st Answer Example

"My current sales position is highly commission-based, so my colleagues and I are quite competitive. Even though we compete, we have a great work environment where we help each other when someone is struggling to meet their quota. We coach each other on sales techniques and share success stories. The result has been a positive work environment with healthy competition."

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

2nd Answer Example

"Last year I worked at a high-end jewelry store where sales goals were intense and the rewards were high. I am geared for healthy competition, so sales contests greatly motivated me. I ended up winning 7 of the 12 contests! I won an iPad, cash incentives, and concert tickets. It was great."

Written by Jordan Henry

16. Tell me about a time when you made a suggestion requesting change in an organization.

How to Answer

The most successful organizations are always growing and adapting to better serve their customers, and Petco is no exception. As a retail associate, you'll need to be adaptable -- but you may also have ideas for how to more efficiently complete tasks or how to make an existing system even better. The interviewer wants to know that you are confident in expressing your opinions to your team leaders and handle rejection of your ideas respectfully.

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

1st Answer Example

"Last year when I was managing our weekend shift, I noticed a pretty solid opportunity for us to save on overtime hours. I created a presentation and gave it to my manager who took it to upper management. The changes were implemented, and I was very proud of the suggestion that I made."

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

2nd Answer Example

"When I began my most recent job at a family-run business, the owners operated on trust and didn't have a loss prevention plan. I suggested that we install a couple of cameras inside the store to deter anyone from stealing. So far, we have seen a 56% decline in the overall loss."

Written by Jordan Henry

17. This position requires a flexible schedule as we are open evenings, weekends, and most holidays. Are you able to commit to these hours?

How to Answer

Retail jobs like a position at Petco require a wide range of hours that may include evenings, weekends, holidays, overtime, and split shifts. Assure the interviewer that you can commit to a wide range of hours. If there is anything in your schedule that may hinder your availability, be sure to address this.

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

1st Answer Example

"I am happy to work within a flexible schedule and to work overtime as needed. I do take an evening college course on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I would not be available those days after 5 PM."

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

2nd Answer Example

"I understand that this role will include working evenings, weekends, and holidays. I am available to work anytime and am happy to work overtime as well."

Written by Jordan Henry

Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback

Anonymous Answer

"As a student, I have committed to classes 3 days a week, but I plan to be available to work 2-3 days a week and will be available to take shifts that need coverage, as well as staying overtime."

Excellent response! You are highly specific, which will allow the interviewer to know how to fit you into the team schedule :)

18. At Petco we like to hire strong achievers. Give me an example of a time when you went above and beyond.

How to Answer

At Petco, customer service always comes first. The Petco customers expects to be greeted with helpful, positive employees who do their best to help them find exactly what they're looking for and answer all of their questions. Display to the interviewer that you can do more than the bare minimum. Show that you can react appropriately when you see that your employer has a need that goes beyond your usual day-to-day expectations.

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

1st Answer Example

"Last week I noticed that my manager had not completed the schedule for the following week. Some of the staff were complaining that they didn't have their work schedule yet. Rather than going to my manager with the complaint, I offered to take on some of her workload so that she would have the time to complete the schedule. We worked together for a couple of overtime hours that day, and she was able to catch up on some of her work and get the schedule completed. It felt good to help but also benefited me by way of organization."

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

2nd Answer Example

"Just yesterday I had a customer make a purchase, and I noticed that she was struggling with her belongings. She had a stroller, a couple of kids, and a lot of bags to carry. I offered to help her out to her car, and she gratefully accepted. It felt excellent to go above the call of duty that day."

Written by Jordan Henry

19. Take me through your experience in retail. What was the most challenging position you have held? Which was your favorite, and why?

How to Answer

Petco offers pet services 'from head to tail' in every department, from dog obedience training to veterinary care. Excellent customer service is a vital component to the success of every department. If you have experience in the retail industry, walk the interviewer through your previous jobs and be sure to highlight your favorite and most challenging positions. If you don't have any retail experience, that's okay! You have likely gained the skills and experience needed to make customers happy through your professional and personal relationships -- and you can let the interviewer know that you are excited to make the transition to retail and learn more about the industry.

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

1st Answer Example

"While I haven't yet worked in a retail environment, I'm really excited to get started! I love learning new things, especially when it comes to working with and serving other people -- and their furry friends! In college, I worked at a writing lab where I helped younger students correct essays and prepare for English exams. That experience helped me learn how to listen to people's needs, practice patience, and develop tools to help frustrated students feel more at ease. I think that experience set me up for success in the retail industry."

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

2nd Answer Example

"I love working in the retail world. I started out working during summer breaks in high school and enjoyed it so much that I found retail jobs throughout college as well. My last position was my most challenging and my most rewarding. It took some time to feel like I really 'fit in' with my coworkers, who had all worked together for several years. It's always hard to be the newest team-member, but the challenge of winning them over made the friendships I formed there even more rewarding! I was sad to leave that job, but it was necessary to move cities. Now I'm ready for a new challenge in a new environment, and I think Petco is the perfect fit!"

Written by Jordan Henry

20. Have you researched our company values? What makes you the best candidate for Petco?

How to Answer

Knowing about the Petco brand and customer is incredibly important -- any information you know about the company's values will work to set you apart from other candidates. Spend some time exploring the Petco website and becoming familiar with their core values and mission statement: 'Healthier Pets. Happier People. Better World.'

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

1st Answer Example

"I've been a long-time shopper at Petco, and I love that they describe their dedication to making pets happy and healthy as an 'obsession' -- I'm obsessed with keeping my cat, Raquel, happy and healthy, and I'm excited to support a company like Petco, both as a customer and an employee."

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

2nd Answer Example

"I first learned about the Petco Foundation a couple of years ago, and that's when I started doing my pet-supply buying exclusively at Petco. I've volunteered at my local animal shelter for years, and Petco's adoption events have saved dozens of pets' lives just from my shelter since I started volunteering."

Written by Jordan Henry

21. You will be responsible for a large amount of cash and valuable merchandise at Petco. What would your most recent employer say about your character and honesty?

How to Answer

Much of the success of retailers like Petco rests on the honesty and fidelity of the employees -- if the managers can't trust their sales associates to treat money and valuable merchandise with integrity, the work environment will be hostile and toxic. Assure the interviewer that you can be trusted by speaking about your character. Draw on the opinion of others to solidify your answer.

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

1st Answer Example

"I would never steal from any store, especially my place of work! I know how important it is that my managers and coworkers can trust me to treat the store, merchandise, and cash with respect. During my exit interview at my last job, my manager even told me that she found me extremely trustworthy and would hire me again if I ever wanted to return to the company."

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

2nd Answer Example

"My most recent team leader told me multiple times that she considered me a person of integrity and honesty, which is feedback I really appreciated. I always want to be a person who my coworkers and employers can trust."

Written by Jordan Henry

22. In a retail environment, staff turnover is often high. How would you handle it if your co-worker did not show up for their shift?

How to Answer

Having a versatile schedule is valuable as a retail employee, and sales associates at Petco must be adaptable and flexible. Assure the interviewer that you are a team player and are happy to step in if a shift needs to be covered at the last second.

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

1st Answer Example

"I know that my coworkers and managers rely on every team-member to show up for their shifts on time and prepare to work -- if one person doesn't show up for their shift, that means everyone else has to work harder! If my manager needed me to come in at the last minute to cover a shift for someone who didn't show up, I would be more than happy to fill in. I want my coworkers and managers to see me as a willing and excited team player."

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

2nd Answer Example

"I'm in a position right now where I have plenty of free time, and y schedule is very flexible. As long as I'm available, I'm always happy to cover a coworker's shift if they're unable to make it. In the past, I've also volunteered to stay late to help cover shifts that coworkers didn't show up for, and I'd almost always be able to do that at Petco as well."

Written by Jordan Henry

23. Working in a retail environment, you will sometimes come across rude customers. How would you handle a customer who is aggressive towards you or a co-worker?

How to Answer

In a service-focused job like a sales associate position at Petco, you will likely encounter customers who make your job less than pleasant. In retail, it's important to maintain a cheerful, calm demeanor even when dealing with angry or frustrated customers. Describe any experience you have dealing with unruly customers or talk about how you imagine you would deal with a negative customer experience.

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

1st Answer Example

"I know that customers are just people like the rest of us -- sometimes we all have bad days! If a customer was upset, I would be sure that they felt heard and understood, and then I would let them know that I would do everything I could to address their concerns. Sometimes people just need to know that their problems are important to someone else. I would be sure to maintain my cheerful disposition and positive attitude about the problem."

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

2nd Answer Example

"Most places that I have worked have procedures in place for these kinds of scenarios, and I am happy to follow the procedures put in place by Petco."

Written by Jordan Henry

24. Tell me 3 qualities you possess that make you a strong fit for this position with Petco.

How to Answer

Before your interview, take some time to find out more about what Petco looks for in an employee, and find ways to honestly demonstrate how your personality meets those needs. For instance, Petco sales associates must be able to 'provide prompt and courteous service to all Petco guests by determining their needs and sharing product knowledge to suggest the appropriate merchandise.' Describe how you are uniquely suited for some of the job requirements.

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

Answer Example

"Jelisa, my team leader at my former job, recently told me how much she appreciated my hard work and my willingness to do tasks that other team-members weren't excited about, like cleaning up animals who have accidents or taking out the trash. I have a generally sunny disposition, and I love meeting new people -- so connecting with customers and their pets would come naturally to me!"

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

25. At Petco we firmly believe in grooming our employees into management roles as they show potential. Are you interested in potential leadership roles with us?

How to Answer

Leadership at the retail level can open up many career options such as store management, district level leadership and even corporate opportunities. Many seasonal or entry-level Petco employees go on to become department leads, store managers, or even higher roles at the company. Talk to the interviewer about any interest you have in gaining a leadership role down the road and what your future goals are at Petco.

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

1st Answer Example

"I would be very excited about obtaining a role in leadership within Petco in the future. I'm confident that you'll find that my hard work and attention to detail will make me well-suited for a leadership position in the future as you feel I'm ready to take on more responsibility."

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

2nd Answer Example

"I have been in an unofficial leadership role for the past three years of my career. I think that a management role with Petco would be a great next step in my career."

Written by Jordan Henry

26. In our retail stores we take pride in our merchandising and displays. Do you consider yourself to be a creative person, capable of making an attractive retail display?

How to Answer

If offered a position at Petco, you may be required to contribute to the design and construction of displays. Let the interviewer know if you have ever created a display or worked on a creative project. Maybe you have unique ideas that you can share about their current merchandising. Show the interviewer that you have noticed and appreciate the hard work that goes into making the store displays -- and let them know if you have any special skills to contribute to their construction or design!

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

1st Answer Example

"I have a strong creative flair and enjoy creating attractive displays. I think I have enough experience in retail to understand what attracts a customer and what prompts them to purchase, and I'm eager to learn even more! The displays I have seen in your stores are fascinating, and I would love to be a part of those creative projects."

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

2nd Answer Example

"I believe that with some training, I could very easily create some attractive displays. I have a natural flair for creative work and look forward to exercising that."

Written by Jordan Henry

27. This position requires you to wear a uniform to work. Have you worn a uniform in the workplace before? How do you feel about this?

How to Answer

At Petco, it's important for customers to feel comfortable and focused on what they're looking for -- and uniforms help to accomplish that goal. Talk to the interviewer about any times that you have been required to wear a uniform. What are your thoughts on this? Be sure to keep your answer positive and avoid speaking poorly of the practice surrounding uniforms.

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

1st Answer Example

"I have worn a uniform for work at restaurant XYZ and when I was a retail manager for company ABC. I have seen the uniforms worn by the retail employees at Petco and see that it adds a strong level of professionalism."

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

2nd Answer Example

"I think that uniforms are a great way to provide a feeling of unity in the workplace, and it makes getting ready for a shift that much easier! May I see what your uniforms look like?"

Written by Jordan Henry

28. In this role you will be required to handle customer transactions. On a scale of 1-10 how strong are your mathematical skills?

How to Answer

Strong math skills are an asset in any retail based role, and a customer associate at Petco is no exception. Assure the interviewer that you are comfortable with the skills associated with math-related tasks.

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

1st Answer Example

"I did very well in math during high school and am comfortable with the math skills required when it comes to accepting cash, balancing a cash float, and performing inventory-related tasks."

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

2nd Answer Example

"My math skills are strong, and I am confident that I can meet your expectations when it comes to accepting payment from customers."

Written by Jordan Henry

29. We have a strong employee honesty program in place at Petco to prevent loss. What would you do if you discovered that a co-worker was stealing product or money?

How to Answer

Petco takes loss prevention and employee theft very seriously. Loss prevention initiatives are an important part of ensuring that Petco continues to stay competitive in their market. Discuss with the interviewer how you would handle a situation surrounding employee theft.

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

1st Answer Example

"My reaction to employee theft would differ if I were a retail associate or a retail manager. If I were a manager and caught an employee stealing, I would terminate them immediately. If I were an associate, I would report the incident according to company protocol. I would avoid approaching the employee as I would not want to make it a personal issue."

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

2nd Answer Example

"I once had a coworker who asked me to help them steal, and it was so uncomfortable! I would never steal something for any reason, so it was easy to say no to him. Even though it was hard to tell my manager and know that my coworker would probably get fired, I had to do the right thing. What is the process for those kinds of situations at Petco?"

Written by Jordan Henry

30. At Petco we have a very clear return policy. How would you handle a customer who was arguing with you about a potential return?

How to Answer

As a Petco employee, you will come across customers who want to argue with store policy. Assure the interviewer that you can handle a situation like this with poise while making the customer happy and keeping the needs of the company in mind as well.

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

1st Answer Example

"I know that return policies are set for a reason, and being a good team-member means abiding by all of the rules and policies of the company. I've been in situations in the past where customers were angry with me about a policy I had no control over; when that happens, I just have to listen patiently, not take their criticism personally, and work with them to find a solution to their problem that aligns with the company's policies."

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

2nd Answer Example

"I have some dispute resolution training from my previous retail position and fully believe that flexibility needs to be offered in extreme situations."

Written by Jordan Henry

31. What do you know about Petco? Why do you want to work for us?

How to Answer

When interviewing for a job at Petco or any other company, it's important to understand the mission and goals of the organization. Spend some time on the Petco website, take a look at their different departments and offerings, and get a feel for their brand. Interviewers will be impressed with any knowledge you have about their seasonal promotions and ongoing events. You can even list a few things about Petco that have made an impression on you -- that way, the interviewer will see that you've done your research, and they'll get to know more about you personally at the same time!

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

1st Answer Example

"I've been a Petco customer for years and have always appreciated their dedication to healthy pets, happy humans, and doing their part to create a better world. When I walk into a Petco store, I always know exactly what to expect: all of the brands my dog loves, a huge variety, and, most importantly, friendly and helpful employees."

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

2nd Answer Example

"I want to work for Petco because I love being around animals and helping people find what they're looking for. I love that Petco is so dedicated to keeping pets physically fit, mentally alert, socially engaged, and happy -- I'd love to be a part of that mission!"

Written by Jordan Henry

Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback

Anonymous Answer

"I would love to work for Petco because I have been a customer for years and have never been let down. I appreciate the mission Petco has and their message to responsible pet owners and hope to play a role in spreading that positive influence."

It seems you are very enthusiastic about Petco's mission and approach to customer service - this is great! If possible, I recommend adding a few more details on the Petco mission just to spotlight the fact that you have performed a great deal of research on the company and opportunity.

32. Petco puts customer service first. How do you ensure that you always put the customers' needs first?

How to Answer

Like most retail environments, Petco has to compete with other companies in their industry -- which means that businesses can go down with one honest mistake or bad customer experience. Discuss with the interviewer how you ensure that your customers receive the best service from you.

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

1st Answer Example

"I have a rule to always treat customers how I would want to be treated in a store or establishment. Customer service is vital to a company's success."

Written by Jordan Henry on July 11th, 2018

2nd Answer Example

"I ensure that my customers' needs are met by actively listening to them and also asking the right questions. If I'm working on a task and a customer has a question, I always stop and help them before going back to my task."

Written by Jordan Henry

Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback

Anonymous Answer

"I believe that a customer's satisfaction is crucial to a good company, so I plan on listening to the customers questions and being as helpful as I can. If I cannot answer their question, I will try to refer them to a coworker that will be able too."

Terrific approach! It seems you are very diligent, and the interviewer will be happy to hear that you are willing to ask for help and guidance when needed.

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The purpose of this page is to help you prepare for your job interview. We do this by creating interview questions that we think you might be asked. We hire professional interviewers (people with multiple years of experience interviewing candidates) to help us create our interview questions and write answer examples.

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